Working with Custom Fields

You can change the value (or contents) of Custom Fields to suit your particular needs. For example, you might want to add photographers' names to a custom “Photographer” field in a catalog of photographic images. Some custom fields even allow more than one entry, and others allow you to select from a predefined list of items so that consistency is maintained from record to record, and/or between catalogs.

To view a list of all the Custom Fields for the selected record, along with field type and data entered, see Item Properties - Custom Fields.


Adding Data to Custom Fields

You can add data to your Custom Fields in one of three ways: from the Item Properties - Fields tab for the selected item; by entering it directly into the item's Custom Field in Record View; or by selecting data from the values list on the Master Palette for the Custom Field, if the field has a pre-defined list.

Note: You must have Editor level access or above in order to change Custom Field values. Creating new Custom Fields requires Administrator level access.

To edit Custom Fields from the Item Properties - Fields tab, see Item Properties - Custom Fields

To edit Custom Fields directly in Record view, see Editing Fields in Place in Record View.

To add data to a Custom field from a Master Palette, see Master Palettes.